Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 21, 2021 - My Attorney wants to quit - motion to withdraw - which we agree

Today a filing was done to remove Sherman and Howard and Sean Moore and Craig and Thomas Morgan from my case which I’m good with.  For MONTHS we’ve been trying to get them to uphold the restrictions and rules from the family court judge in Utah but they’ve been uninterested in taking it on.  In fact, they’re more concerned about sanctions against their firm and the reputation with their previous colleague, the Judge, who used to WORK for Sherman and Howard.  We’ll be on the lookout for new counsel and we’ll have to dig deep in our pockets again for new counsel. 

Finally OVER

So it’s over finally, she conceded that it was okay to send her one hundred thousand dollars to go away. This after a 3.5 hour battle over h...